Meet Critical Input Senior Consultant Steph Cush

Steph Cush has been a key contributor to Critical Input since 2017 and is known for her adaptability, teamwork and methodical approach to problem-solving. From supporting major clients like Transgrid and TasWater to attending major industry events, her role is multifaceted and dynamic. Originally from country New South Wales, Steph pursued a communications degree in Canberra before adventuring to London and then back to Australia. Her unplanned yet successful entry into project work has allowed her to thrive in roles that require both collaboration and a keen eye for detail. We recently caught up with Steph to learn more about her current projects, challenges, and what she enjoys most about her work.

What are you currently working on?

I’m engaged in various projects, supporting Transgrid and TasWater in multiple capacities. Additionally, I’m working to enhance Critical Input’s presence in the industry by organising and attending various industry events.

What is your greatest challenge right now?

Finding balance in busy times is a significant challenge.

What work are you loving the most right now?

I love working on process reform and improvement. Seeing a team come together to solve a problem that is causing confusion or frustration is rewarding. Even small changes can greatly improve productivity and morale.

What are you looking forward to?

I enjoy hearing about my colleagues’ projects. We’re all working on different things, so connecting and sharing experiences is invaluable. This knowledge-sharing supports us in our respective roles.

What led you into this type of work?

My path into this type of work was quite unintentional. I signed up with a recruitment agency when I moved back to Australia and got a three-month contract on a project that ended up lasting 1.5 years. A contact from that job led me to Critical Input, where I’ve been ever since.

What unique capabilities do you bring to Critical Input?

I have a willingness to get in and do the work that needs to be one while remaining flexible and adaptable.

Do you have a particular career highlight?

The friends I’ve made along the way. Great colleagues make work interesting and enjoyable.

Describe a typical day at Critical Input.

I always like to start the day with a quick catch-up with my colleagues – even just to say hello. I’m currently juggling multiple projects + laptops so that means I need to have a very solid to-do list to avoid missing anything.

What type of work do you enjoy the most?

Any work where I am learning something new is great or collaborating with others.

What are some common mistakes you see clients make with people and processes?

Not knowing what other departments do – we’re all guilty of not seeing things from the other departments perspective. Once you have the full picture you can appreciate why certain things might take time and then start to support each other a bit more.

How do you know when you’ve done a good job?

When someone is appreciative of the time you have spent trying to assist them.

If there was one thing you could change about the world, what would it be?

More communities to support vulnerable people.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I’ve never broken a bone, despite my many efforts through various sports and adventurous activities.